Mueller Indicts Three Former Trump Officials In Russia Investigation: A Closer Look

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Apparent Russian agents began reaching out to Donald Trump's presidential campaign as early as March 2016, the Justice Department established in documents released Monday, with appeals for partnership and offers of help including "dirt" on Trump's opponent, Hillary Clinton.

That case is made in charging documents in the case of then-Trump foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos, who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.

The court documents got a little less focus early in the day than other indictments involving Trump's onetime campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, and a top aide, Rick Gates, who was Manafort's deputy and a business partner. Manafort and Gates pleaded not guilty in federal court Monday to all the charges announced earlier Monday, NPR's Barbara Sprunt reports. The two men were deemed a flight risk and put under house arrest.

But the Papadopoulos matter speaks to the heart of the mandate for Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller — to examine potential connections between people in the Trump campaign and Russian influencemongers.

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